Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Coast Life Church serves the world by sending money and people all over the globe with the Gospel. We also support organizations that genuinely help people physically, and then lead them to Jesus. It's not enough to provide care for the needy if we don't do it in Jesus' name. We are so glad to help anyone anywhere as long as the credit goes to the one who deserves it. That's how we serve the world!

Dominican Republic Missions Trip
October 1-8, 2025
Open to everyone as we will be serving both the minor medical needs of these communities as well as their spiritual and physical needs. Be a part of Loving God, Loving People and Serving the World together in Santiago, Dominican Republic and the surrounding areas!
For more information and to save your spot, click Register Here!
For more information and to save your spot, click Register Here!

D.R. Missions Trip 2024 Recap
Local Missions

Gulf Coast Women's Center
CLC partners with the women's center to help end domestic violence, provide safe shelter, food, clothing, person needs, as well as counseling and support services.

Wounded Warriors In Action
CLC is proud to support the Wounded Warrior in Action Foundation as they help serve our Nation's combat wounded Purple Heart recipients by providing world-class outdoor sporting activities as a means to recognize and honor their sacrifice, encourage independence and connections with communities, and promote healing and wellness through camaraderie and a shared passion for the outdoors.

Homes Of Grace
We partner with Homes of Grace (Men's home location- Vancleave, Women's home location- Gautier) who serve in bringing hope to those who struggle with drug and alcohol addictions. This faith-based program has helped thousands of men and women find freedom.

Reaching The Homeless
We serve with the Mental Health Association of South Mississippi to help provide material needs for those who find themselves without a home, as well as provide resources to help reduce and prevent homelessness on the Gulf Coast.

Step Up
We partner with many ministries like Step Up that are in our local community, both through financial support and volunteerism. For more information about Step up or how you can get involved, then reach out to us through the link below.

Advocates For Freedom
We are proud to link arms with Advocates For Freedom as they fight to end exploitation, sale and enslavement of men, women and children. They have been leading the way to stop Human Trafficking throughout Mississippi and beyond.
National Missions

Church Planting
CLC is not interested in its own fame. We exist to make Jesus famous and are happy to help any new church come to life as long as Jesus is at the center of all that they do, and not their "strategy" and simple vision.
When we learned of a new church plant called The Highlands Church that was coming to Fort Worth, Texas, we had to help. Friends in ministry, Stephen & Malinda Cline are leading a team at The Highlands Church as it flourishes, and CLC is delighted to help carry the burden of bringing a new church to life.
When we learned of a new church plant called The Highlands Church that was coming to Fort Worth, Texas, we had to help. Friends in ministry, Stephen & Malinda Cline are leading a team at The Highlands Church as it flourishes, and CLC is delighted to help carry the burden of bringing a new church to life.

James and Kelsey Price
We are pleased to partner with James & Kelsey Price and Chi Alpha Ministries as they invest in the lives of students at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana through communities of prayer, worship, fellowship and discipleship, so that they may be transformed with the Gospel of Jesus.

CLC partners with 7More, a ministry that intercepts cycles of poverty and hopelessness with life and hope through community renewal, prison and ex-offender outreach, and young adult internships. 7More works to be a part of individual and systemic change in the Houston area and beyond.
Global Missions

The Walker Family
We are so excited to partner with Pete & Ruthie Walker as they share what faith in Jesus is all about. They focus on evangelism and producing Gospel material in over 35 languages.
Download the 1 Peter 1:3 App
Download the 1 Peter 1:3 App

Convoy Of Hope
CLC joins with Convoy Of Hope both locally and in Kenya through Bryan & Kimberly Burr. They focus on empowering churches to reach their community with tangible expressions of God's love and drawing people to Christ through children's feeding programs, agriculture training and projects, clan water solutions, women's business programs and disaster response.

CLC Advance Campuses
One Church, Many Campuses
CLC Advance Campuses are gatherings of a few, as well as dozens, hundreds and thousands of people all over the world who call CLC their home church. A basement, a bar or a barracks may be an Advance Campus. A home, a hallway or a hooch, may be an Advance Campus, and a chapel, a secret chamber and a church will all be Advance Campuses as CLC reaches through cell phones, tablets, televisions and technology of all kinds to bring the good news about Jesus to as many people as we can in every corner of the planet.
If you would like to start and lead an Advance Campus anywhere in the world then please reach out to us through the Learn More link below and let us know. CLC will provide everything you need to bring light, peace and joy to any spot, anywhere, anytime in Jesus' name.
CLC Advance Campuses are gatherings of a few, as well as dozens, hundreds and thousands of people all over the world who call CLC their home church. A basement, a bar or a barracks may be an Advance Campus. A home, a hallway or a hooch, may be an Advance Campus, and a chapel, a secret chamber and a church will all be Advance Campuses as CLC reaches through cell phones, tablets, televisions and technology of all kinds to bring the good news about Jesus to as many people as we can in every corner of the planet.
If you would like to start and lead an Advance Campus anywhere in the world then please reach out to us through the Learn More link below and let us know. CLC will provide everything you need to bring light, peace and joy to any spot, anywhere, anytime in Jesus' name.

CLC has the privilege of joining with Ramesh & Sara Bhandari in training and leading over 75 pastors and church planters in spreading the Gospel to the people of Nepal.

Paris Family
We are honored to support the Paris Family (Liam, Sam, Kailee, Terry, Lisa, Ari) serving together by living out the love of Jesus to the people of Tania, Vanuatu

Ferris International Ministries
Clem Ferris travels all over the world encouraging and empowering the church. He goes to the places that we would go if we could, but we can't, so we are happy to be a part of the team that provides for his family and his travels.

Freedom Firm
We are honored to support a ministry that works to RESCUE minors who have been sold into the commercial sex trade in India by RESTORING their identities, and seeking JUSTICE against those who perpetrate these crimes.

Darien Watson
Darien is Coast Life Church's first home grown international missionary. He serves the people of Cape Town, South Africa in several capacities including worship, evangelism and out reaches of all kinds.

Mission India
We are partnering with Mission India through:
Children's Bible Clubs - Introducing children to Jesus through engaging activities, songs, and prayer during with a 10-day or year long experience.
Church Planter Training- Taking students through a mix of in-depth classroom instruction and supervised feild work over the course of one year to help them establish strong communities of faith in Jesus that continue to grow and multiply.
Children's Bible Clubs - Introducing children to Jesus through engaging activities, songs, and prayer during with a 10-day or year long experience.
Church Planter Training- Taking students through a mix of in-depth classroom instruction and supervised feild work over the course of one year to help them establish strong communities of faith in Jesus that continue to grow and multiply.

Reed and Priscilla Burr
The Burr's are serving as missionaries with Christian Surfers International with the goal of sharing the gospel with the surfing communities around the world. They also use their gifts of filming, photographing, designing and writing to help share stories of how God is using the Christian Surfers to change lives.

Global International
Globe International is a missionary sending agency with members and partnering ministries in over seventy countries around the world. CLC partners specifically with Bob Todd and the Christians of Cuba who work diligently to translate Christian materials into Spanish for distribution around the Spanish speaking world.

One For Israel
Reaching Israelis with the Gospel message and training up the next generation of leaders. Evangelism, theological training, and humanitarian aid.

HBI Global Partners
The mission of HBI Global Partners is to help fulfill the great commission by developing partnerships with the North American church to reach the unreached of India and beyond through leadership development, church planting, and community transformation.

Join the mission
Pray for our missionaries around the world!
"...keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel. Ephesians 6:18-19a