Why We Sing

Feb 27, 2022    Lead Pastor DeWayne Watson

CLC has a great band and an amazing Worship Pastor. We plan ahead, practice diligently, and work on making sure that everyone can have an engaging experience during worship. 

Our equipment was expensive, and we add to, and update it regularly just to improve the overall worship experience for everyone who attends the services in person and online. So, it's all good...

But, why do we do it? Is it tradition? Does music just have to be a part of the service? Who is it for anyway? Is it for entertainment, or is there something more? Why are some days different than others, and am I missing something???

These are such great questions and it's high time that we the Coast Life Church family ask them out loud and then answer them, so that as our church grows, and Jesus increases our impact around the world, we can celebrate him during worship and know exactly "Why We Sing”.