One Verse Wonders

Feb 28, 2021    Lead Pastor DeWayne Watson

The context and supportive structures which are supernaturally built into the Bible are among the most wonderful aspects of The Book. It is literally filled with divine support for itself and it is a delight to find all the ways in which scripture defends, predicts, explains and projects itself. It is indeed a miracle and hasn't even a distant comparison to be made in all the printed world. There are just over 31,100 verses in The Bible, and a bit more than 807,000 words in English. Every one of those words came into being as Jesus spoke them into the hearts, souls and ears of about 40 people who then dictated or wrote them down. Every one is connected to and dependent on all of the others like a kind of scaffolding that moves every single verse to the top of the Biblical structure where every word may be known. It is our goal and delight over the next few weeks to study, absorb and put into personal practice just a few of these spectacular "One Verse Wonders".