Handyman Brigade Project Submission Form

The "Handyman Brigade" of Coast Life Church assists widows, single mothers, the disabled, the elderly and others who need help with handyman projects.  Projects are scoped and planned to be completed within a 4-hour period, typically on Saturday.  Our ability to assist you is determined by the quantity of active requests and size of the project.  We are unable to respond to emergency requests.  Please complete the following to begin the request process.
While the volunteers are at your residence, you, or an adult representative, need to remain at the residence for the entirety of the work performed.  By submitting this request, you recognize that brigade team members, and the Coast Life Church are not liable for any damage during, or after, any type of work performed.  Your request will be reviewed and you'll be contacted soon afterwards.  The "Handyman Brigade" is unable to respond to emergency requests.  Please check the following box to acknowledge agreement with all items noted in this request.